Last weekend James and I were at the bus stop in Hsinchu. A guy at the bus stop asked James if he had run the Georgia Marathon since he was wearing the race T-shirt. It turned out the guy is from Atlanta, graduated from GA Tech one year before me, and is working at an Industrial Park in Hsinchu for a one year contract. So, for the count, 1 for GA Tech (or the entire southeast) and 3 for Grand Valley State University (and about 30 for Michigan).
Also, a friend who has been teaching in South Korea for a few months posted this chart on culture shock on Facebook. I really hope this is wrong for James and I! I certainly don't feel like I am in a honeymoon phase after two months but I may be in denial. I think we hit the crisis phase on Day 4 so maybe we are way ahead of schedule :)

I've been meaning to comment about James' Publix GA Marathon shirt in the pictures! I certainly do appreciate his overseas marketing efforts!!!